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Plant a tree with CorgiDirect!

CorgiDirect Wood

At CorgiDirect, we've always taken our responsibilities to the environment seriously. And now we're taking that step further, with the addition of a new carbon offset scheme that all of our customers can participate in.

When we deliver your parcel the delivery vehicles used by our carriers add carbon dioxide to the environment. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global climate change.

Planting trees is one of the easiest ways to offset this additional carbon dioxide generation because trees absorb carbon dioxide to produce oxygen. The amount of Carbon Dioxide a tree will offset depends on many factors, such as the type of tree, where it is planted and the amount of room it has to grow. On average, one broad leaf tree will absorb in the region of 1 tonne of carbon dioxide during its life-time.

What are we doing?

CorgiDirect has set up a pioneering broad leaf tree planting scheme, based locally near our premises in the Vale of Evesham. Contributions from customers concerned about the environment will be used to purchase and plant traditional broadleaf woodland trees, such as Oak, Elm and Ash in conjunction with local tree planting schemes. (We discontinued our association with The Heart Of England Forest Project in 2012).

How do you contribute?

When you go to the checkout, you'll see an option for a voluntary contribution to the CorgiDirect Carbon offset Scheme. The total carbon offset value varies with your order, and it's entirely up to you whether you participate or not. if you choose to take part, the value will be added to the amount you pay at the checkout and then passed on to the scheme.