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Regin Heating & Hot Water System Inspection Report Pad

Part Number : CORGID.3424536

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REGPO10 - Domestic Central Heating & Hot Water System Inspection/Commissioning Report Pad

  • 25 reports in triplicate.
  • The Regin Form REGPO10 has been rewritten specifically around wet central heating system inspection and commissioning. This is irrespective of the fuel or appliance type so that it can be used on the vast majority of domestic central heating systems without engineers having to use multiple different fuel industry pad.
  • Essential document designed to demonstrate compliance when commissioning wet central heating systems
  • Use to create a physical record of service and inspection works to wet central heating systems
  • Pre-printed industry generic terms and conditions on reverse to advise, inform and protect you and your customer
  • Provides key check points to follow
  • In triplicate with a copy for your customer, tenant and your records.
  • Can be used to formally record and notify customer of any immediate or potential risks identified
  • Forms part of the process of discharging your civil and legal duty of care to your customers and should be used in conjunction with appropriate Warning Stickers

This pad covers the following legislation and up to date British Standards recommendations

This type of work should be undertaken by competent technicians, subject to supervision by either a registration body or the local authority building control department.

A record of maintenance carried out, including the results of combustion tests and, in particular, notes of any replacement parts fitted and any potential or immediate risks identified and recorded, should be provided to the owner. The owner should be advised to retain this information and make it available at future service visits.

Specific FAQs


Q; I’m installing a replacement domestic oil boiler and upgrading the central heating system at the same time, which REGIN pads should I complete?

A; To demonstrate a compliant appliance installation the appliance manufacturer’s sign off form (such as Benchmark documentation supplied with the boiler) should be completed, REGIN form PO10 to demonstrate that the wet system works have been completed and commissioned, REGIN form PO11 should be completed to demonstrate that the liquid fuel appliance has been commissioned and REGIN form PO13 should also be completed as it is now necessary to inspect and test the existing oil supply line before connecting it to the new boiler. Where electrical works have been undertaken at the same time either REGIN form REGPE1 or REGPE2 as appropriate should be provided.

Q; I’ve been asked to inspect a domestic wet central heating system which has both an oil fired boiler as well as a solid fuel range cooker connected to it. Which pad should I use, solid fuel or oil?

A; REGIN Form PO10 has been rewritten specifically around wet central heating system inspection and commissioning. This is irrespective of the fuel or appliance type so that it can be used on the vast majority of domestic central heating systems without engineers having to use multiple different fuel industry pads.

REGIN Oil Pads – General FAQ’s

Compiled by OHCS 07.11.2019.


Q; Why have the pads changed so much?

A; The REGIN oil pads have been completely rewritten to bring them into line with the new industry sector British Standard BS 5410 Part 2 (non-domestic liquid fuel fired systems) 2018 and Part 1 (Domestic liquid fuel fired systems) 2019.We also took this opportunity to included pre-printed generic terms and conditions for each pad so as to provide a level of clarity and protection for engineers which had not previously existed.

Q; Can I still use my old pads?

A; No. We wouldn’t recommend this as the old pads were based on showing compliance with the old withdrawn versions of the standard and would not enable engineers to show compliance with the new standards.

Q; What’s with the brown liquid droplets on the covers, is that just a marketing gimmick?

A; No, the colour brown used on the droplets on our pads is the correct BS 1710 identification colour for combustible liquids.

Q: Why do all the new pads have triplicate copy forms?

A; The white copy is to be left on site, the green copy is for the engineer and the Pink copy is for the client where they are not on site such as where the client is a landlord and the property is rented. Engineers have a duty of care both to the client (Landlord) and the occupier (tenant) using the equipment.

Q; Why do the pads now say “liquid Fuel” instead of “Oil”?

A; As the new British Standard covers the use of oil (kerosene), bio-liquids and bio-liquid/heating oil blends so do our new forms.

Technical Specifications

Manufacturer Part Number REGPO10
EAN Barcode 5060026573655
star star star star star_half
ex VAT